Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a stealth-action third-person game developed by Kojima Productions. It is the fourth major installment in the series. It was marketed as the last game in the series.


Nine years have passed after the infamous Shadow Moses incident. The world is torn apart by local conflicts. Nations hire private military corporations instead of having their own armies. The War Economy emerges with the Sons Of the Patriots system controlling the PMCs. Soldiers are infused with nanomachines that control their behavior on the battlefield, and the weapons are ID-locked. Liquid Ocelot sets out to hijack the system to use in his own interests. Solid Snake grows old rapidly and gets ready for his last mission in order to kill Liquid and save the world once again.


Snake is proficient in Close quarters combat and stealth infiltration. Players are deployed on the battlefield with a wide arrange of gadgets at their disposal, such as the OctoCamo that allows for replicating any surface the player is close to or a Solid Eye that serves as the game's HUD. It is essential to keep an eye on Snake's stress level. As the protagonist's stress level increases, it gets harder to aim, Snake suffers more damage, and it is easier to get knocked out in hand-to-hand combat.

A VR mode is also present in the game where players can learn about the weapons they can use and master the CQC.

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